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New Standard Output Voltages Now Available on the VPT30 Series of DC-DC Converters

April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013 -- VPT has added new standard output voltage configurations to its VPT30 Series of triple output DC-DC converters. The new output configurations now include:

  • VPT30-283R3512T  - Output configuration 3.3/5/12V
  • VPT30-283R3515T - Output configuration 3.3/5/15V
  • VPT30-285512T - Output configuration 5/5/12V
  • VPT30-285515T - Output configuration 5/5/15V
  • VPT30-283R31215T - Output configuration 3.3/12/15V
  • VPT30-2851215T - Output configuration 5/12/15V

Previous standard output configurations offered included:

  • 3.3V/12V/12V
  • 3.3V/15V/15V
  •  5V/12V/12V
  • 5V/15V/15V

The VPT30 is a new triple output DC-DC converter uniquely designed to power electronics in military vehicles, ships, weapons, and other rugged systems. Delivering up to 30 watts, the new VPT30-2800T DC-DC converter meets several military standards and features three outputs, enabling engineers to power multiple loads from a single, small, cost-saving module.  

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