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SpaceX Successfully Launches Powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket, Sends Tesla into Space

February 9, 2018

February 9, 2018 – SpaceX’s massive rocket, Falcon Heavy, the most powerful operational rocket on earth, successfully launched its first test flight earlier this week, with a payload that included a cherry red Tesla Roadster. The rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center, with its two first-stage side boosters -- both previously used -- landing simultaneously on their concrete landing pads.


Credit: SpaceX

After the successful launch, SpaceX aired a live feed video of the Tesla and its passenger – a mannequin named “Starman”-- coasting atop the rocket’s upper stage, in orbit. This stage of the rocket consisted of six-hours drifting in orbit before one final burn intended to send the first car in space on a trajectory around the sun, and finally to Mars’ orbit. The burn was successful, though the rocket exceeded its intended Mars orbit and headed to the asteroid belt instead. The success of this test flight means its next mission later this year may have satellites on board as part of its payload. The Falcon Heavy can lift almost 141,000 lbs. into orbit, which is more than twice the capability of any other space launch vehicle to date. 

In addition to its capacity, Falcon Heavy can complete these missions for a third of the cost. This, in conjunction with the reusable boosters, enables SpaceX to drastically reduce the cost of long-duration, heavy-lift missions. VPT congratulates SpaceX on another historic launch! With VPT parts on board, we are extremely proud to be part of this mission. 

To see the launch in its entirety, please watch this video from SpaceX.  

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